Friday, October 23, 2015

Beating Third Mainland Traffic TheTsaboin Way

If you live in Lagos then chances are that you have used Third Mainland Bridge.The bridge, famously acclaimed as the longest in Nigeria and second longest bridge in Africa, is one of the three access bridges that connects Lagos mainland to the Island.
While sometimes, the engineering masterpiece is a welcome relief for road users, commuters will also tell you that plying the Third Mainland Bridge can be a very frustrating experience. Well, if you belong to the latter then it’s high time you beat the Third Mainland Traffic the ‘Tsaboin Traffic Talk’ Way. 

Tsaboin is a tech startup company that is helping Lagosians beat traffic bottle necks using its revolutionary traffic update camera feeds. With live feeds from Tsaboin’straffic cameras located in strategic locations across the State, road users can get live updates on traffic situations. Take Third Mainland Bridge for instance. As strategic as the bridge is to Lagos, there is no predicting the situation of the bridge. One minute it is as free as air, the next minute, it is totally blockedwith an unending row of cars, bumper to bumper, struggling to free themselves of the traffic logjam.
But with updates from Tsaboin Traffic Talk, you can know the precise traffic situation of the bridge real time. That way you can decide whether to use the Third Mainland Bridge orother alternative routes. And the best part of it is that Tsaboin is optimized for mobile phone use as an app. So if you have Tsaboin Traffic Talk app on your phone, you are just one or two clicks from viewing the camera and also one click from viewing your timeline and update.  There’s even more. If there are unusual gridlocks in any location, your phone notifies you through push notification. The app also has analytics that showsusers areas with traffic issues.And guess what, Tsaboin is absolutely free!
So if you want to be free of the hassles and frustrations that come with being stuck in traffic especially Third Mainland bridge, then you may want to consider the Tsaboin option.
You can download the Tsaboin app from your Google play store or App store on your iPhone or the blackberry world. For more information log on to: www.tsaboin.comor join their social media platforms. For Facebook: Tsaboin, Twitter: @tsaboin and Instagram: @tsaboin


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