Monday, September 21, 2015

No one was born a man or woman, foremost Nigerian transgender fires back at Nigerians

In a swift reaction to people saying she was once a man, Miss Sahhara, formerly known Mr. Clifford, said: “TO NIGERIAN BLOGGERS: HAHAHAHAHA So predictable. I knew posting those pictures will make them talk trash, here 
are a few for your amusement ‘Egg plant removed’ ‘Manhood removed’ ‘Shows off her vagina’ ‘HER PENIS USED TO BE OBVIOUS WHENEVER SHE WORE TIGHT CLOTH OR BIKINI’ ………..HAHAHAHA really? I want to see these BULGE REVEALING pictures they are talking about.
Since you nutters want to know, I had my GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERY years ago, not that it is your business to know what I have between my legs……NO ONE WAS BORN A MAN OR A WOMAN. You are born male, female or intersex. You are assigned ASSUMED preferred gender at birth by the hospital.

Then you grow up as a boy or a girl based on the gender you are assigned, you become a teenager, and an adult subsequently ‘Man or woman’. I lived part of my teenage life and all my adult life as a female. Saying she/he was born a ‘Man or woman’ is stupid and ignorant!
I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A FEMALE. MY BRAIN, VOICE, MANNERISMS & APPEARANCE ARE ALL FEMALE. I DIDNT HAVE ANY SUDDEN EPIPHANY TO SELF DISCOVERY AFTER LIVING IN ONE GENDER ALL MY LIFE AS SOME OF THESE BLOGGERS MAY THINK. Perhaps, is the reason why I am effortlessly womanly. Educate yourselves on your subject before you write. Fools!”….. now taking notes. Come again ma…..

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