Wednesday, December 23, 2015

7 Qualities That Will Make A Man Want To Marry You

Call it green light,red light or whatever you like, there are certain qualities men find irresistible in women. It’s therefore no surprise that some ladies date a man for just one month and before you know it, the man proposes, while others keep going from one man to the other and they keep “dumping” you.
Most of our ladies already know these things but choose to still ignore in the name of being hard to get or being “civilized “. There are however some things that civilization cannot change especially in Africa, at least not in this our generation yet.
Without much ado, here are some qualities that will surely make a man want to have you forever.

1. Respect : Every man craves for respect, especially from women. It has nothing to do with pride, its the way we are wired. If you find it hard as a lady to respect a man then you might as well forget about settling with a man and maybe try a fellow woman. Women thrive on love and attention, men thrive on respect. Even the Bible says it. When you respect and honor a man, there’s nothing he cannot do for you. That is why women who seem respectful always attract men. Enough said on this.
2. Confidence : Now by confidence I don’t mean arrogance, there’s a lot of difference between them. A confident woman knows what she wants and goes for it, she knows how to make her man happy, she feels free to show off her man and brag about him, she pursues her goal with vigour and there’s this air of happiness around her. That’s the kind of woman a man cannot resist. Not the talkative, insulting, busy body type.
3. Decency: A large percentage of men desire decently dressed women. At least 90 percent and am talking about serious relationship unless a man wants to have you for satisfaction. No man wants to marry a wife who dresses half Unclad. Sexy is good but Unclad is unacceptable to most men. Ladies too much makeup pisses most men off. Too much artificial hair, nails and all makes you look fake and only good for banging.
4. Can she keep a home? : There is nothing as nice as a man coming home and finding his house well cleaned and arranged. It tells the man that this lady will surely make a good wife. Most women feel that men are feeling too big to do these things like cleaning, washing and cooking. It’s not so. Men are not wired to do these things just like women are not wired to do strenuous work like wiring, carrying heavy loads etc.
5. Can she cook? : Men love food. I can’t stress that enough. That is why a man can start developing feelings for the house maid who cooks good food for him and takes care of his house. Show a man that you can feed him good food and he will want to keep you forever.
6. Neatness and good dress sense : A neat, well dressed, nice smelling, well put together woman is very desirable. Enough said.
7. Smile : Now this is where most Naija ladies fail woefully. I don’t know if it’s against the law in this country for women smile. You see them carrying long faces like they woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Ladies please smile. It communicates confidence and friendliness and also shows you have a good heart. Men can’t resist a sexy smile from a woman.

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